Contests are fun, especially those that support our dance community. Nichelle of Dance Advantage has done it again, she is rounding us up and encouraging us to enter her contest "Top Dance Blogs of 2010".
I decided to enter because there is a category for Dance Companies/Schools. I have never considered myself a "blogger" or even a good writer... You all know I (like many other dancers) express myself best through my movement and not my words. But, I do feel like I do a decent job at keeping Uptown Dancers and their family and friends well informed with my blog The Uptown Beat. So why not you guys...I'm entering, and I need your help to get to the next round.
If you support what I am saying, enjoy reading my blog, or are a new reader and support Uptown, please leave a comment on this post. In order to get to the next round I will simply need comments...easy enough for you guys, right?
Wish me luck and thanks in advance for your comments, or even if you are just here reading, I appreciate it! Also please support Dance Advantage and go check out this contest if you have not already done so
Peace, Love, and Dance!
Miss Leslea